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Tracking Job Applications

Application Trackers​

This is the Notion-based application tracker I built for myself - you're welcome to use it if you like!

Here's another Notion template from Sarah Park, Huntr is another option, or even a Google spreadsheet - just find a system that works for you!

Information to Track​

This is the minimum I would recommend tracking for each job you've applied for:

  • The company and job title
  • Current status (prospect, applied, phone screen, etc.)
  • Link to the job listing (I also like to copy the job description, because sometimes the job listing will come down while you're still interviewing, and it's really helpful to be able to reference the description)
  • Name and contact info of anyone you've spoken to from the company
  • Where you heard about the job opening (from a reference, from a Slack community, from a specific job board, etc.)
  • Dates of every step of the process (when you applied, when you had a phone screen, when you interviewed, etc) - This will help you keep track of when to follow up if you haven't heard back from anyone