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Time Management

One of the things I found most daunting when I was job hunting was figuring out how to divide my time. There isn't a one-size-fits-all system, but if you're looking for a starting point, I generally spent my time working on side projects, studying code, practicing algorithms, networking, and applying to jobs.

I tried to theme my days around these tasks and time block my calendar to give myself time to focus.

If you'd like an idea of what that looked like, this is how I divided my time when I was looking for my first dev job:

Example weekly schedule:


9am - 10:30am#100DaysOfCode (side projects)
10:30am - 11:30amStudy
11:30am - 12pmCheck messages in email, Slack, LinkedIn
12pm - 1pmLunch
1pm - 2:30pmStudy
2:30pm - 3pmBreak
3pm - 4:30pmStudy
4:30pm - 5pmWrap up


9am - 10:30am#100DaysOfCode (side projects)
10:30am - 11:30amPractice algorithms
11:30am - 12pmCheck messages in email, Slack, LinkedIn
12pm - 1pmLunch
1pm - 2pmPractice algorithms
2pm - 2:30pmCheck messages in email, Slack, LinkedIn
2:30pm - 3pmBreak
3pm - 4:30pmPractice algorithms
4:30pm - 5pmWrap up


9am - 10amCheck messages in email, Slack, LinkedIn
10am - 11amCatch-up/accountability call with bootcamp friends
11am - 12pmJob applications/cover letters
12pm - 1pmLunch
1pm - 2:30pmJob applications/cover letters
2:30pm - 3pmBreak
3pm - 4:30pmJob applications/cover letters
4:30pm - 5pmWrap up