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📝 Tracking Your Work

In my opinion, effectively tracking your work and your progress is an essential first step in developing your career. Doing so regularly will make it much easier to make the case for a promotion or raise when it comes time for your annual review.

Types of Records to Keep


My advice is to start tracking your work in the simplest possible way at first:

  • Start with a tool that you are already comfortable with (For example, if you use Slack heavily, you can use a running DM with yourself. If you live in your IDE, you can create a repo of markdown files.).
  • Start by just tracking the things you consider most essential to your job. I might recommend tracking your wins, and then notes on tickets you've worked on. As you build a habit of tracking your work, you'll think of additional things that are important to you, or ways of organizing the information that's more useful to you.

Useful Tools

  • My notetaking app of choice is Obsidian. (Here's an intro to Obsidian if you'd like to learn more.)
  • My task manager of choice is Todoist, which I've been using for the past decade.